Latitude-Longitude Contour Plots
All examples below use the following import statements, data,
and system variable settings. We control the x- and y-axis tick labels
via system variables because we wish to express latitude/longitude
with N/S, E/W designations. Also, in our example data we set some
values to "missing," and change data
into a masked
array (MA) to accomodate those missing values (missing value value
is 1e+20):
>>> import Numeric as N >>> import IaGraph, MA >>> from IaGraph import * >>> lat = N.arange(13) * 15.0 - 90.0 >>> lon = N.arange(25) * 15.0 - 180.0 >>> data = N.outerproduct( N.sin(lat*N.pi/360.) \ ... , N.cos(lon*N.pi/360.) ) >>> data[3:4,6:8] = 1e+20 >>> data = MA.masked_values(data, 1e+20) >>> sysvar = IaGraph.Sysvar() >>> sysvar.__class__.x_tickvalues = \ ... {-180:'180W', -90:'90W', 0:'0', 90:'90E', 180:'180E'} >>> sysvar.__class__.y_tickvalues = \ ... {-90:'90S', -45:'45S', 0:'EQ', 45:'45N', 90:'90N'}
A link to the full source code for all the examples on this page is
at the bottom of this page. For more information on the contour
command, type help(contour)
>>> contour(data, lon, lat, continents=1)
>>> contour( data, lon, lat \ ... , ctindex=11 \ ... , colorbar=0 \ ... , title='Example Contour Plot' \ ... , xtitle='Longitude [deg]',ytitle='Latitude [deg]' \ ... , continents=1 )
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Updated: December 19, 2003 by Johnny Lin <email address>. License.