Johnny's Glossary of Special Terms in My IDL Code
- "Created/overwritten":
In the top header block description of parameters and keywords,
this means that the procedure (function) creates said parameter
or keyword if it doesn't exist or overwrites it if it already
exists at the procedure (function) call.
- "Non-built-in procedures (functions)":
These are procedures (functions) that are not built-in with the
IDL distribution. This can include modules written by myself
as well as others. Same meaning as
"User-written procedures (functions)".
- "Unchanged by function":
In the top header block description of parameters and keywords,
this means that the procedure (function) returns said parameter
or keyword unchanged.
- "User-written procedures (functions)":
These are procedures (functions) that are not built-in with the
IDL distribution. This can include modules written by myself
as well as others.
Return to IDL Library.
<air_jlin @>
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