Past and Current Collaborators


This list of colleagues is not exhaustive and the institutional affiliations for some are not current:

North Park Climate Research Group Students and Intern

This list is given in reverse chronological order:

UWB CSS Undergraduate Research Students

This is a list of students who have collaborated with me on a research project:

UWB CSS Undergraduate Internship and Capstone Project Students

This is a list of projects I served as an advisor for and is given in reverse chronological order by starting academic quarter:

UWB CSS Graduate Project/Thesis Committee Students

This is a list of students whose Master's capstone project or thesis committees I have served on and is given in reverse chronological order:


Updated: Monday, 06-Jan-2025 15:59:49 PST. Disclaimer. Privacy Policy. Valid CSS, HTML. Author: Johnny Lin <email address>. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.