Perugina Shoppe: Comments and Critiques
- Taster D (climate scientist)
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998
Subject: Re. Perugina Shoppe Baci
Good texture. The nuts are well mixed, so that they
don't dominate the chocolate.
- Taster H (medical doctor)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999
Subject: Re. Aunt Sally's and Perugina
my comments on the perugina chocolate.
The brand name I believe is Perugina's Baci. I think the silver wrapped
hazelnut center chocolates are the best. I had bought a can of 20 to bring
back to my family. By the end of my stay in France (I took my trip to Italy
during my 4 mo. quarter abroad in France) (2 mo after my trip) --- there was
only 4 left to bring home :) !!!
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