Johnny's Chocolates and Pralines Survival Guide


FAQ About Chocolates

A Short List of Chocolatiers

Taster Opinions

Where To Buy


Selected Web Resources

License & Disclosure

Selected Web Resources

"Must-Visit" Resources

Between them, these two sites provide what I consider to be the most comprehensive and useful reviews and directory information of chocolate bars and chocolates on the web. You may or may not agree with their opinions, but you will be immensely thankful for the information they provide:

Additional Resources

Here are some links to articles about chocolates and internet sellers specializing in high-end chocolates. I've also put listings of a few local retail stores in the Where to Buy section of this guide, though Eric's directory is a much better resource.

General Web Retailers

There are a zillion web retailers of candies and chocolates. I used to list some in this section who had asked me to list them, but as I haven't sampled their services I decided I should just leave this section empty.